Discorrelation and the Post-Perceptual Image (Bogotá, video en español)

Video (in Spanish) of my talk, “Discorrelation and Post-Perceptual Image,” from September 12, 2019 at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in Bogotá is now online.

Minutes before the talk, I was whisked away to give two separate interviews — one for an article that is now online, and one for a local television station (!), which I have not yet seen…

Talks and Events in Bogotá, September 2019


I am excited to visit Bogotá, Colombia for the first time this coming September, where I will be giving a series of workshops and public lectures. And I am equally excited to see these very cool images that the people there made for my visit!

The public lectures are as follows:

September 10, 2019 (time TBD): “Animating Frankenstein: Film, Comics, and Serialized Visual Culture.” Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano.

September 12, 2019 (6pm): “Discorrelation and the Post-Perceptual Image.” Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

I will also be holding some workshops at the Visual Research Laboratory in the Program in History and Theory of Art, Architecture, and the City at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Thanks very much to the people there for making this happen, and thanks especially to Visual Research Lab director Zenaida Osorio Porras for the invitation!

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